Spirituality creats art in a photo session

Photography is a spiritual path.  I am at my best behind my camera.  I lose all my judgments, all my concepts of what should be and I simply accept what is.  I fall in love with my subjects.  I see their inner beauty, their humanity and their vulnerability.   This experience is always available to me but I do not always look or pay attention unless I have my camera in front of my face.  However, in a photo session, I forget all my problems and there is nothing but the present moment and the person in front of me.  Feeling this love and undivided attention, they let down their defenses and light up.  It is a trust thing, a mutual respect that happens.  It’s like a first date that is going really well.  It is exciting. People just start to shine and that is when the best photographs are taken. I photograph inner beauty, and it translates into outer beauty, and then becomes art.  I am passionate about creating this experience.  It is part of the creative process and just as important as composition.

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